3122 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 14217
5245 Transit Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221
If you’ve ever gotten locked out of your home, business or vehicle, you know how frustrating and inconvenient it can be. We’ve been open since 1969, so we understand the frustrations our customers go through. Throughout the years, we’ve perfected our locksmith services and improved our business to better address the needs of our customers. Our mobile locksmith and auto lockout team can quickly get to our customers and get them into their car, rekey locks, or repair their key quickly. We also have experience in getting our clients back into their homes or access to their business’s
commercial office doors. We’re proud to offer safe, quick, and affordable
locksmith services across Buffalo, NY. Call us today to learn more about our services!
Some of the locksmith services that we are proud to offer include:
Residential Locksmith Services
Commercial Doors
• Storefront Doors
Access Control Doors
Lock Installation
Car Locksmith Services
Fireproof Safes
Gun Safes
• Handicap Door Openers
When a missing or broken key blocks you from accessing your property, that inconvenience interrupts your day. However, the best way to get your day back on track is to contact a reliable commercial, residential, or car locksmith. If you want to minimize the inconvenience of being locked out, Suburban Lock & Key Service has the commercial, residential, and car locksmiths to call. We go above and beyond for our Buffalo, NY community.
When you rely on us, you can expect help from knowledgeable locksmiths and for our professionals to be quick and efficient at every step in the process. You have a problem, we have the tools and experience to fix it, and we are determined to be as helpful as we can. That means one of our professionals will arrive at the scene as quickly as possible to resolve your situation. We never want you to sit around and wait for longer than necessary.
Are you locked out? The team at Suburban Lock & Key would love to help you get into your vehicle, property, gun safe, fireproof safe , and more. We are also proud to be able to install handicap door openers for your home or for your business to meet ADA requirements and guidelines. The Buffalo community relies on our team for access control doors and other digital security methods. Trust our team for locksmith services for less.
Call us today for mobile locksmith services!
3122 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 14217
Between Sheridan and Buffalo
M - F 8:30 am - 5:30 pm | Sat 9 am - 1 pm
5245 Transit Rd,
Williamsville, NY 14221
Corner of Greiner
M - F 10:30 am - 5:30 pm | Sat & Sun: Closed
Mobile Locksmith | Locksmith Services | Car Locksmith | Commercial Locksmith | Storefront Doors | Safes & Vaults | Fire Exit Doors
Proudly Serving
Williamsville, NY
& Surrounding areas